1. “因此,我命令你说,张开你的手,张开它,张开你哥哥,张开你可怜的弟弟,张开你土地上穷苦的弟弟。” 高清作品[100%]

 therefore I command you saying open your hand, open it, to your brother, to your poor brother, to your needy brother in your land-

图片文件尺寸 : 3295 x 4447px

“因此,我命令你说,张开你的手,张开它,张开你哥哥,张开你可怜的弟弟,张开你土地上穷苦的弟弟。”-Mark H. Podwal

therefore I command you saying open your hand, open it, to your brother, to your poor brother, to your needy brother in your land--Mark H. Podwal (美国, 1945-)


2. “一个房间里有三个人吉尔克里斯特坐在桌子旁,汤姆·亚当站着,从后面看,马特·霍顿在乔治·谢菲尔德的《火前》中双腿张开,双臂张开 高清作品[90%]

Three Men in a Room; Gilchrist Seated at a Table, Tom Adam standing, Seen from Behind, and Matt Haughton seated Legs Outspread and Arms Akimbo before a Fire-

图片文件尺寸 : 3535 x 3846px

“一个房间里有三个人吉尔克里斯特坐在桌子旁,汤姆·亚当站立,从后面看,马特·霍顿在乔治·谢菲尔德的《火前》中双腿张开,双臂张开-George Shepheard

Three Men in a Room; Gilchrist Seated at a Table, Tom Adam standing, Seen from Behind, and Matt Haughton seated Legs Outspread and Arms Akimbo before a Fire--George Shepheard (英国, 1770-1842)


8. 弗朗西斯科·德·戈亚(Francisco de Goya)的《一个女人跪在一个老人面前,双臂张开 高清作品[84%]

A woman kneeling, her arms wide, before an old man-

图片文件尺寸 : 2529 x 3617px

弗朗西斯科·德·戈亚(Francisco de Goya)的《一个女人跪在一个老人面前,双臂张开-Francisco de Goya

A woman kneeling, her arms wide, before an old man--Francisco de Goya (西班牙, 1746 - 1828)

下载弗朗西斯科·德·戈亚(Francisco de Goya)的《一个女人跪在一个老人面前,双臂张开大图